Yangqin dulcimer, 402 model, set-up/tuned. FREE LESSON WITH YANGQIN MASTER扬琴
Why you need to buy yangqin from a yangqin expert - tricky things about buying a yangqin:
Q: Is the yangqin ready to play when I receive it from the manufacturer or an "Any Instrument Store"?
A: No. It is not. It is not tuned. Tuning of this 144-stringed yangqin is a huge task that can frustrate even a piano tuner/technician!
Q: Does a yangqin need adjustment when I receive it from the manufacturer or an "Any Instrument Store"?
A: Yes. Besides tuning, there are a lot of small things that need to be adjusted to make it an effective, optimal instrument, and only an experienced yangqin player/teacher knows exactly what needs to be done.
Q: Are the mallets/hammers ready to use when I receive them from the manufacturer or an "Any Instrument Store"?
A: No. Those mallets/hammers are just semifinished products, intended for professional players to trim and finalize. Without this final touch, they are normally awkward to use.
** Our service is to solve all the problems listed above!!!
Yangqin (Chinese hammer dulcimer, santoor, santur, cimbalom)
Model: "402"
Style: Lotus Pond
Grade: professional
Made in northern China
Brand:Special tailored order by TorontoMusicPro 多大琴行 订制
Sound board: high quality Paulownia
Frame: solid Tsubaki
Colour of yangqin frame and stand frame: redwine 酒红色扬琴边框与扬琴架边框
Colour of yangqin soundboard and yangqin stand: light yellow 浅黄色音板与扬琴架
Range: approx. 4.5 octaves, mostly chromatic
Free Accessories: a pair of beaters (hammers), tuning wrench, carrying case with aluminum lining and 4 wheels, Yangqin Stand (choice of two styles)
Bonus 1: Yangqin will be professionally set up, adjusted, and thoroughly tuned before shipping!!!---- A 3-hour job, but an impossible task for a music store without an expert of yangqin which has 144 strings!!! This highly professional service is Free for YOU!
one hour free Skype lesson with yangqin master ($100 value)
402 专业型号
“荷塘月色” 款
免费配件: 调音扳手,扬琴盒,琴竹(一副), 扬琴架 (两款可选)
福利 1: 由扬琴大师 亲自挑选,调试,定音(2遍) 的扬琴($80 value)。 你拿到手就能用!无与伦比的服务.
福利 2:免费与扬琴大师上网课一小时(Skype)
Extremely experienced in packing,safe and reliable shipping
The following link is to an American dulcimer player/singer Mr Reid. A very innovative, interesting, and excellent playing of this model of yangqin: