Buy/learn from top experts: GUZHENG, GUQIN, YANGQIN, PIPA, ERHU, RUAN, etc. Live music for all events. 国内顶尖教授招生/出售古筝 古琴 扬琴 琵琶 二胡 阮等等。提供中国音乐表演。

Buy/learn from top experts: GUZHENG, GUQIN, YANGQIN, PIPA, ERHU, RUAN, etc. Live music for all events. 国内顶尖教授招生/出售古筝 古琴 扬琴 琵琶 二胡 阮等等。提供中国音乐表演。
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Click on the pictures below to see all our products in each collection.

Strings for Erhu  a set (2 pieces) 二胡弦, Free shipping
巴乌 Bawu
Cello (大提琴)
Music Stand, light weight, folding, portable, adjustable in height 谱架,可调节高度
Purse for guzheng/pipa nails, tapes & accessories Yangqin, or other instruments  小收纳包(古筝/琵琶指甲胶布)
Dizi Membranes x 5 packs 笛膜x5包
Dizi (Chinese bamboo flute) Tutorial/self-learning Book -  青少年学竹笛
Strings for Erhu  a set (2 pieces) 二胡弦, Free shipping
Erhu books (二胡)
Choose from our erhu (二胡) collection.
Strings for Gao-hu (soprano erhu), a set (2 pieces) 高胡弦,Free shipping
Music Stand, light weight, folding, portable, adjustable in height 谱架,可调节高度
Guitar Footrest 吉他 脚踏
Choose from our guqin (古琴) collection.
guqin 古琴
Guqin Music Book - a compilation of guqin compositions, books 1&2 古琴曲集 许健 王迪编 (1册+2册)
Guqin books (古琴)
Choose from our guzheng (古筝) collection.
Guzheng accessories (古筝)
Guzheng Tutorial Book by Yuan Sha (Grade 1-3) 古筝教程 (袁莎编,从 入门到三级)
Jinghu (Peking Opera fiddle), high-end Purple bamboo, Prof grade 高级专业紫竹京胡
Music Stand, light weight, folding, portable, adjustable in height 谱架,可调节高度
Keyboard Stand (not for digital piano) 电子琴架 (不适合电钢琴!!)
Liu-qin 柳琴
Strings for Liu-Qin (Chinese lute, soprano lute), whole set (4 pieces)   柳琴弦 Free shipping
Morin Quur (马头琴)
Strings for Morin Quur, Morin khuur, khuur, quur, a set (2 pieces)马头琴弦 Free shipping
gong 锣
Gong Mallet (锣槌)
Piano cover - half length, beautiful velvet.  Suitable for all upright pianos
John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course 2 约翰-汤普森:简易钢琴教程 2
Choose from our pipa (琵琶) collection.
String for Pipa, 1st string (thinnest one). High end. 琵琶第1弦,高级
Pipa study Book by Zhao Cong - 琵琶入门与提高 (赵聪 编著)
Qinqin books (秦琴)
Qinqin Study Book 怎样弹秦琴
Qinqin Study Book 怎样弹秦琴
阮 Ruan
Pluck/pick for Ruan阮拨片
Ruan (ZhongRuan) Course for Beginners 从零起步学中阮
 Sanxian, Sangen, Shamisen, さんげん, 三弦
Strings for Da-Sanxian , whole set (3 pieces) 大三弦的弦,Free shipping
Guzheng Tutorial Book by Yuan Sha (Grade 1-3) 古筝教程 (袁莎编,从 入门到三级)
Sheng Tutorial Book  笙的 演奏法
埙 Ocarina
Viola,  Solid Wood,   16", or 16.5"  中提琴,实木
violin 小提琴
Music Stand, light weight, folding, portable, adjustable in height 谱架,可调节高度
Suzuki Violin Courses 1-8, eight books in ONE, with CD
violin 小提琴
Xiao  (vertical Chinese bamboo flute) Tutorial Book 箫吹奏法
Xun (Ocarina) Self-Study Book 埙的指法和简单曲目,自学密籍
Choose from our yangqin (扬琴) collection.
yangqin dulcimer 扬琴
Yangqin Tutorial Book (study book)   扬琴演奏教程 (练习曲)精编
Strings for Zhong-hu (tenor erhu), a set (2 pieces) 中胡弦,一套(2根)Free shipping